『Bach Centre-approved Course Level 3英國巴哈中心官方認證三階{註冊花精應用師培訓}』2017/09/15~09/19台北


『Bach Centre-approved courses 英國巴哈中心花精國際認證課程 三階』2017/09/15 ~ 09/19 (五~二)10:00~17:30台北

全球最資深Level 3講師暨講師培訓教練Lynn Macwhinnie導師(英籍),20多年教學資歷,任教於英國巴哈中心,多年來培育多位優秀師資。?
康莊大道:0955099055 ; Line ID:@peace99

不 必 飛 英 國,在台北就可以向巴哈中心最資深的導師學習!

✔︎ 三階課程是Bach巴哈花精應用師(諮詢師)資格的課程,是申請註冊成為『英國Bach巴哈基金會的國際執業花精應用師(諮詢師)  (Bach Foundation Registered Practitioners)』之必修課程。?


Level 3 courses focus on consultations skills and the work of professional Bach practitioners. As such they are aimed at people who want to work professionally with the remedies.

Level 3 is also open to non-professionals who want to join the Bach Foundation International Register, or simply want to improve their consultation skills.
Level 3 applicants must complete Bach Centre-approved Level 1 and Level 2 courses before attending Level 3.
Level 3 structure
All Level 3s include periods of classroom teaching and periods of private study done in the student’s own time. Students have to complete written work that may include an exam, a reflective journal and essays.
Final assessment is by means of written case studies which are marked at the Bach Centre or by individuals appointed by the Centre for this purpose.
Level 3 and practitioner registration
On satisfactory completion of a Level 3 course students may apply for inclusion on the Bach Foundation International Register of Practitioners, which is maintained by the Centre.